The Music Department of Edgewood High School exists to prepare students in a meaningful way to understand, value, and enjoy music throughout their lives. The department is committed to nurturing the development of independent music-makers who can express themselves in multiple ways. Interaction with composers, professional musicians, and multiple guest conductors is a focus of the department.

The National Standards for Arts Education in 2015 stated “…the arts have been an inseparable part of the human journey; indeed we depend on the arts to carry us toward the fullness of our humanity. We value them for themselves, and because we do, we believe knowing and practicing them is fundamental to the healthy development of our children’s minds and spirits. That is why, in any civilization - ours included - the arts are inseparable from the very meaning of the term ‘education.’ We know from long experience that no one can claim to be truly educated who lacks basic knowledge and skills in the arts.”

Monday, August 14, 2017

Updated WSMA Music List!

Vocal (1000's)
Orchestra (2000's)
Band/Woodwind (3000's)
Brass (4000's)
Percussion (5000's)
  Jazz/Show Choir/Alt Strings (6000's)
Piano (7000's)
Handbell/Guitar (8000's)

Misc/Ethnic (9000's)